Posts tagged vanilla


A simple apple story – Vanilla apple flan

Une simple histoire de pommes – Flan vanillé aux pommes Not sure what I like best, vegetable flans or fruit flans… The French love flans, for the simple reason that they’re just too good. I bought too many apples and needed to do something with them. The thought of more apple cakes, apple [...]

Quick, light and refined – Pineapple carpaccio with a mint and rum marinade

Rapide, léger et raffiné – Carpaccio d’ananas à la marinade de rhum et menthe I had this dessert at the Brasserie Lutèce in Paris after a huge plateau de fruits de mer (seafood platter), the carpaccio was served with a pineapple sorbet, and it was the perfect sweet touch to that wonderful dinner. [...]

A treat, because we're worth it – Crème caramel with pears, vanilla and orange blossom water

Une gourmandise, car nous le valons bien – Crème caramel aux poires, vanille et eau de fleur d’oranger That goes not only for hair products, but for food too! Crème caramel or flan aux oeufs, or crème renversée, they’re all the same things. I think the English translation would be custard, but I [...]

A thought for my best friend – Cake of the crumb fairy for Chantal

Pensée pour ma meilleure amie – Gâteau de la fée aux miettes pour Chantal I woke up this morning with a text message from my best friend in France, Chantal. Her message was “Impossible de t’appeler pour l’instant – Pense a toi – Ta Bichette qui t’aime” literally translated by “Cannot call you [...]

A taste from far away – Shrimps in a coconut colombo sauce on spiced vanilla basmati rice

A goût qui vient de loin – Crevettes sauce colombo et noix de coco sur riz Basmati épicé à la vanille The first interesting part of this dish is the rice…yes indeed. An Indian friend of mine who arrived straight from Cochin used to prepare this type of rice and I loved its subtle fragrance. So [...]

A little snow and sun in a glass – Yogurt mousse with mango vanilla compote

Un peu de neige et de soleil dans un verre – Mousse de yaourt à la compote de mangue et vanille Did it ever happen to you to really want a dessert but just something light, refreshing and fruity? no chocolate, no cake, no cream, just a light dessert? Well today that’s what I really wanted. I had [...]
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