Posts tagged prosciutto


Mes petits choux – Prosciutto wrapped Brussels sprouts on mâche salad and roasted pepper vinaigrette

Mon petit chou – Choux de Bruxelles enrobés de prosciutto sur lit de mâche et vinaigrette de poivrons grillés This is truly a fun way to eat Brussels sprouts. In case you thought they were a tiny intimidating or boring, or just unappealing, you can play with them so they become exciting. It’s true [...]

Oeuf cocotte with spinach, shiitake, prosciutto and truffle oil

Oeufs cocotte aux épinards, shiitake, jambon de parme et huile de truffe noire I cooked a dinner last week for a lovely couple who wanted their dinner theme to be white Alba truffles. Out of six courses, three had truffles in it. The smell brought me back to my childhood….My father used to go look [...]
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