Posts tagged lemon


What a nouille! – Soba noodles with edamame, grilled zucchini and Chinese cabbage – lemon basil pesto

Quelle nouille!!! – Nouilles soba, edamame, courgettes grillées, chou chinois, sauce basilic et citron Nouille in French means noodle of course, but if you call someone a “nouille“it’s not really a compliment and means you are calling this person an idiot. So today, I do feel like a nouille, [...]

Salad or not salad? – Salad of grain medley with cannellini, shrimps, artichokes in a herb-lemon dressing

Salade ou pas salade? – Salade tiède de céréales et mélange aux haricots blancs, crevettes, artichauts, vinaigrette aux citron et herbes Lately I have not been too well, that’s why I haven’t been posting any recipe on a regular basis like I used to, and my desire and energy for cooking has [...]

No I did not miss you – Roasted chicken thighs with lemon, herbs, olives and sunburst squash

Non, tu ne m’as pas manqué -  Cuisses de poulet rôties aux herbes, citron et olives à la courge Since I don’t really eat meat, I know my blog lacks meat recipes, I figured that when I cook for some non-vegetarian people who do eat meat, I take the opportunity for putting up the recipe on the blog. [...]

Grilled pepper tuna steak with parsley-lemon pesto and medley of vegetables

Steak de thon grillé au poivre avec pesto de persil et citron – mélange de légumes et pois chiches I don’t know about you, but I cannot get tired of eating fish and seafood. Ideally, I would like to become a complete vegetarian and stop contributing to the pollution of our planet by consuming [...]
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