Posts tagged crayfish


Deep Purple – Celery root and Okinawan purple potato soup with crayfish

Deep Purple – Soupe de celeri rave et pommes de terre Okinawa aux écrevisses   Celery root reminds me of France and its Celeri Rémoulade…which is raw shredded celery root salad with mayonnaise. Not that I particularly like mayonnaise on salad but I love celery root flavor. A while ago, my Japanese [...]

I got my purse stolen – Purses filled with crayfish, leeks and cherry tomatoes, curry cream sauce

Aumonières aux écrevisses, poireaux et tomates cerises, sauce curry I am back in the US and I did not post anything while in France, simply because I had no time to cook – I think I prepared lunch for my parents twice, the rest of my stay my mom cooked and we had guests so no time to shot [...]
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