Posts tagged chick pea


Seems like winter – Chick pea and lacinato kale soup gratinée

Come se fosse l’inverno – Zuppa gratinata di ceci e cavolo nero  With the heat on, yes indeed it seems like winter. I live in the part of the city that gets the fog in summer, so my brain is wired to behave like we’re in winter and I have soup cravings. Growing up, I have always asked my parents [...]

Very Chick – Rosemary shrimp brochette on spicy chick pea purée

Très chic – Brochette de crevettes en branche de romarin, sur purée epicée de pois chiches  After a few recipes mixing shrimps and cannellini beans, or shrimps and fava beans, let’s have fun with chick peas, I think they’re closer to a bean than a pea, called pois chiche in French but it seems like [...]

Tel Aviv lentil salad – Lentil and beet salad with arugula, feta and mint

La bonne salade aux lentilles de Tel Aviv – Salade de lentilles, roquette, betteraves à la feta et menthe On my stay in Tel Aviv, I walked almost all over the city for five days…the weather was beautiful, it felt so much like summer to me so while France was snowed in, I enjoyed my five days as if [...]
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