Posts tagged celery root


Celery root purée, braised fennel and scallop with mango vinegar glaze

Purée de celeri rave, fenouil braisé à l’orange et St Jacques au vinaigre de mangue   I haven’t celery rave in a long time, for no specific reason, maybe because I don’t enjoy peeling it. is that a good enough reason? maybe not. In France we eat celery rave a lot, mainly in rémoulade. Rémoulade is [...]

Deep Purple – Celery root and Okinawan purple potato soup with crayfish

Deep Purple – Soupe de celeri rave et pommes de terre Okinawa aux écrevisses   Celery root reminds me of France and its Celeri Rémoulade…which is raw shredded celery root salad with mayonnaise. Not that I particularly like mayonnaise on salad but I love celery root flavor. A while ago, my Japanese [...]
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