Posts tagged cauliflower


A crunchy bite – Cauliflower beignets with hot chili tomato sauce

Ca croustille sous la dent – Beignets de chou fleur et sauce tomate piquante I only have one or two recipe involving frying, I almost never fry food…and this for many reasons, first of all for health and calories issues and last but not least for the disgraceful smell of the house that has been [...]

A Goat in the kitchen – Cauliflower and leek gratin with goat milk

Une chèvre dans la cuisine – Gratin de chou fleur et poireaux au lait de chèvre I forgot how DMV can be a nightmare, waiting for your number 389 when the current number is 210 can be the story of an afternoon. So people bring balls to play with, and all kinds of entertainment to spend three to [...]

No soup for the holidays – Soup of cauliflower, chickpeas and quadretti

Zuppa con cavolfiore, ceci e quadretti I heard California got a lot of rain this season, all the news talked about it when I was in France and I heard it from my neighbors when I got back. The good things is that it’s clearing up. Eventhough France was very cold with -10C temperatures some days, [...]

Let's squish the cauliflower – Wholewheat fettuccine with cauliflower, saffron and pecorino

Abbiamo schiacciato il cavolfiore – Fettuccine integrali con cavolfiore, zafferano e pecorino Something funny happened to me today that has nothing to do with food. I am looking to buy a new car, but not really new more like second hand since I gave my Golf away. So the guy I went to meet who was [...]

It's warm, it's flavorful, it's a salad – Warm quinoa salad, with cannelli beans, carrots and cauliflower with a four herb salsa

C’est tiède, c’est plein de saveur, c’est une salade – Salade tiède de quinoa aux carottes, cocos, chou fleur et salsa aux quatres herbes Today I said goodbye to my long time and faithful friend, my VW Golf I had for over 10 years, and that over the years turned into an old lady. I gave it to a [...]

Someone suffocated the cod – Cod in parchment paper with zucchini, carrots and coconut milk with cauliflower purée

Quelqu’un a étouffé le cabillaud – Cabillaud en papillotte aux courgettes, carottes et lait de coco, avec purée de pomme de terres et chou fleur I really love fish in parchment paper, it makes a beautiful presentation, it keeps the fish moist and very flavorful. When you open up the papillotte, [...]

Light weight – Cauliflower flan with gorgonzola and thyme

Poids plume – Flan de chou fleur gourmand au gorgonzola et thym I don’t know what is going on with me lately, I just want to eat flan, sweet, savory anything that looks like a flan or tastes like a flan…and I am not even pregnant. I think it has to do with its consistency…anyway my life functions [...]
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