Posts tagged cakes


Oats, pear and almond muffins

Muffins à l’avoine, poires et amandes Usually for breakfast I like my multi grain toasts with no desire to change but once in a while I like to treat myself with some fancy little bites like these ones. I would have called those mini cakes (which in French gâteaux are what those are), but I feel [...]

So coconut – Coconut mini cakes

Si noix de coco – Mini gâteaux tout noix de coco Spring is here and I am just excited about a new season coming. I love spring, except for the allergies due to pollen. Hopefully this year will be mild allergy season. One of the simple things that make me happy in life is eating coconut ice [...]

Pause-café – Matcha tea financier with grilled peaches and strawberry coulis

Financier au thé vert, pêches grillées et coulis de fraises Financiers are a traditional individual little French cakes made with almond powder and brown butter. Usually they’re rectangular but I gave them their original round shape. They’re sometimes called Visitandines, due to their original [...]

Sunday treat – Vegan coconut-banana mini cakes for a fancy breakfast

Plaisir du dimanche – Gâteau végan à la banane et noix de coco pour un petit déjeûner gourmand I have always wanted to try to bake a vegan cake that tasted like a non-vegan cake, the great news is that this one tastes better than a non-vegan cake made with eggs and butter. This cake is so moist [...]

When you feel like crab again – Crab and shrimp cakes with tarragon and capers on a bed of spaghetti-shaped cucumber salad

Quand on a encore envie de crabe – Croquettes de crabe et crevettes à l’estragon et câpres sur un lit de concombre spaghetti Well it might no longer be crab season, but I have urges of a pregnant woman when it has to do with food. Anytime I see crab, I cannot help and buy some. I am a big [...]
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