Posts tagged Breakfast/Brunch


Breakfast and lunch – Chia pudding with coconut, pistachios and banana

Petit-déjeûner et déjeûner – Puddng de graines de chia à la noix de coco, pistaches et bananes Since chia is all over the place, and that everyone is talking about it in the nutrition world as a miracle little seed, I decided to try it out too. I used to sprinkle it on top of yogurt or fruits, but [...]

Sunday treat – Vegan coconut-banana mini cakes for a fancy breakfast

Plaisir du dimanche – Gâteau végan à la banane et noix de coco pour un petit déjeûner gourmand I have always wanted to try to bake a vegan cake that tasted like a non-vegan cake, the great news is that this one tastes better than a non-vegan cake made with eggs and butter. This cake is so moist [...]
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