Posts tagged apples


Apple games – Apple, ricotta, raisins and almond butter pancakes

Jeux de pommes – Galettes de pommes, ricotta et beurre d’amande I started this little post a while ago and never managed to finish it, since I have a 30 minutes break in between this craziness move, I just wanted to finish it and move on. Originally I wanted to make savory frittelle with the [...]

Papillotes meli-melo – Mixed fruits with honey, raisins, pistachios and coconut in parchment paper

Méli-mélo de papillotes – Pommes, poires et bananes au miel, raisins, pistaches et noix de coco en papillotes avec glace vanille Des pommes, des poires et des….bananes!! I have been thinking about those papillottes for so long. I thought about them kept thinking about them, and always made [...]
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