Search results for cod (16)


Salmon swim – Salmon "en nage" with saffron, with fava beans and potatoes

La nage du saumon – Pavé de saumon en nage safranée aux fèves et pommes de terre That might not be that original but it is so good that I had to put it up. I don’t know why but I am a little tired of seeing fish served with potato purée,  not sure either why almost all restaurants do that, but [...]

A little tradition doesn't hurt… – Scallops in their "shells" with mussels, shrimps and cod with leeks and Cognac sauce

Un peu de tradition ne fait pas de mal – Coquille de fruits de mer avec sauce poireaux et flambée au Cognac Sometimes, you just have to treat yourself…today was my treat day and I really enjoyed it to the fullest. Treating for me has to do with seafood, so those wonderful coquilles (shells) made [...]

Someone suffocated the cod – Cod in parchment paper with zucchini, carrots and coconut milk with cauliflower purée

Quelqu’un a étouffé le cabillaud – Cabillaud en papillotte aux courgettes, carottes et lait de coco, avec purée de pomme de terres et chou fleur I really love fish in parchment paper, it makes a beautiful presentation, it keeps the fish moist and very flavorful. When you open up the papillotte, [...]

Soooo Long – Halibut with olives, walnut and herb crust with sauté long beans

Flétan en croute d’olives, noix et herbes aux haricots verts chinoix sautés When it’s hot outside, it’s a sauna inside, and today has been one of those days. Living on the top floor, the high temperatures make this place like an oven…I did not feel like turning on the oven tonight, but I had this [...]

Salty cod my way – Tagine of salty cod, peppers, capers and tomatoes, celeri root purée

Merluzzo al modo mio – Tagine di merluzzo con pepperoni, pomodori, capperi, e pure di sedano I bought a tagine clay pot and wanted to try cooking salty cod with it, I figured it would enable all the flavors to infuse together and make a flavorful dish. The salty cod just needs to be placed in [...]

When the moon turns into a fish – Hawaiian opah marinated in coconut curry, banana leaf with forbidden rice and grilled Thai eggplant

Quand la lune se transforme en poisson –  Opah (moonfish) mariné au lait de coco et curry, cuit dans feuille de banana, riz noir et  aubergines  thai grillées On my trip to Berkeley Bowl, I found those banana leaves (you can find those at any Asian market), and what else goes with banana leaves? [...]
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