

It's raining soup! – Red rice soup with spinach, watercress, carrots and mushrooms

Il pleut de la soupe! – Potage aux épinards, cresson, champignons, carottes et riz rouge After the fog, the rain…yes I heard more is coming our way. Today was so rainy and windy, that the wind broke my brand new umbrella! In Europe, people have this particular image about California that it’s such [...]

Bitter and sweet – Belgian endive velouté with orange shrimps

Douce et amère – Velouté d’endives aux crevettes Endive also called chicon in Belgium and Northern France is often used in French cooking and is such a creative vegetable. You can use it as a salad, soup, gratin, tarte, braised, and so many other ways. It is also high in magnesium, phosphorus, [...]

Automn Leaves – Sunburst squash and leek soup with oregano and yogurt, warm roquefort tartine

Les feuilles mortes – velouté de potimarron et poireaux à l’origan et yaourt, tartine chaude de roquefort I was listening to Yves Montand’s classic song “les Feuilles Mortes” translated by “Autumn Leaves” but it literally means “Dead Leaves” and it never fails, I get tears in my eyes…that song [...]

The drunken melon – Tuscan melon soup with yogurt and white port

On a saoulé le melon! – Soupe de melon au yaourt et porto blanc I got inspired by my mom’s traditional appetizer she loves to serve in summer which are called melon au porto, a quite delicious way to serve melon. In France we have those small round melons called melons Charentais, which are grown [...]

Chilled soup to absolutely try – Watermelon and tomato gazpacho with goat cheese and basil

Soupe glacée à essayer absolument – Gaspacho de pastèque et tomates au chèvre et basilic Una zuppa fredda da fare assolutamente – Gaspacho d’anguria con pomodori, formaggio di capra e basilico If you like regular gazpacho, you’ll like this one too. I promise. At first, when I heard a friend had a [...]

Lentil and Shrimp simple story – Split pea soup, lentils with shrimps and pistachio cilantro pesto

Une histoire toute simple de lentilles et de crevettes – Soupe de lentilles et pois cassés au crevettes et pesto de pistaches, coriandre et persil It’s a nice and cute story of lentils and shrimps, but then many other ingredients got involved…and we have a nice and complex soup filled with [...]

Four cobs and a tomato – Corn and curry tomato soup

Quatres épis et une tomate – Soupe de maïs et tomates au curry  Creamy soups are great for a light dinner…I had bought this fresh sweet corn on the cob a while ago. Needless to say Americans love corn, you find cobs everywhere in any supermarket, so no need to buy corn in cans, the fresh one is so [...]

Artichoke heart – Artichoke and sundried tomato velouté with herbed ricotta tartine

Un coeur d’artichaut – Velouté d’artichauts aux tomates séchées et ail avec sa tartine de ricotta aux fines herbes I bought too many artichokes so we are going to have an Artichoke fiesta for the next few coming days. Artichokes are wonderful in soups, salad, pasta, side dishes, they can be [...]

Trop chou!! – Brussel sprouts velouté with cannelli beans and thyme

Trop chou!! – Velouté de choux de Bruxelles aux cocos et thym Brussels sprouts are round, small and cute, and many people find them heavy to digest due to their high content in sulfur. They tend to have a strong flavor, but I think that’s what makes them particular. They are from the cabbage [...]

Swimming in sweet waters – Curried coconut soup with salmon, squash and shitakee

Nager dans les eaux sucrées – Soupe de noix de coco au curry, saumon, spaghetti squash et shitakee The great thing about this soup is that you don’t need to eat anything else, the salmon and the vegetables are a meal in itself, besides, you will feel satisfied and will feel just happy and content. [...]
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