Archive for September, 2015


Life is beautiful this way – Warm salad of curried roasted cauliflower, bell peppers and yams with lemon poppy seed vinaigrette

La vie est belle comme ça-  Salade tiède chou fleur au curry, poivrons, et patate douce, vinaigrette au graines de pavot et citron   We can go simple with a few ingredients, and get a flavorful and nutritious salad. Plant based meals make me happy and in a good mood, as much as running does. So [...]

A fall celebration – Cream of lacinato kale, sesame and thyme sea scallop

Velouté de chou vert, St Jacques au sésame et thym Summer is gone already but I have a hard time switching my mood for fall…I love summer and its long day light, its products and the vacation spirit. Fall has its own character like every other season but I am not looking forward to winter. I [...]

Roasted ratatouille with goat yogurt, herb-chili oil and skyr wholewheat flat bread

Ratatouille aux légumes grillés, yaourt de brebis à la menthe, huile d’herbes, et galettes complètes au skyr   That dish just gets me all excited, it’s just an amazing combination that I will make again and again. I don’t think I can never be tired of eating this. I call this ratatouille even if [...]
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