Encore du quinoa! – Quinoa au saffran comme un risotto avec courges grillées

For those like me these days who want more quinoa, here is a nice little recipe. I love to cook grains like a risotto by liquid absorption, this way, the grain gets infused with the flavor of the broth and becomes a little creamier. Quinoa can be prepared and cooked like rice. Here is a proof. It has been cooked like a risotto in a broth infused with saffron.

I guess I entered one of those phases where for a few weeks, I will just use one ingredient and research more recipes using it. Right now, quinoa makes me feel good after I eat it, I feel light and happy, so two good reasons to keep eating it. You can use other vegetables as well and replace squash with asparagus and peas, mushrooms, etc…just think about it as you would for a risotto.

Ingredients for 2-3

  •  200 g quinoa
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • 1 shallot, finely sliced
  • broth
  • 1 dose saffron
  • 2 cups butternut squash cut in one inch pieces
  • 1 scallion, chopped
  • 4 tbs parmesan cheese (freshly grated)
  • salt and pepper


Place squash in a tray, sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Place in the oven under the broiler until all sides are golden brown and tender in the middle (do not overcook, the squash will be mushy) about 20 min.

In a bowl, infuse saffron with broth for about 10 minutes. In a pan, soften shallots with olive oil, then add quinoa. Add broth gradually like you would for a risotto, until quinoa is cooked (adjust with salt and pepper if necessary). Add parmesan, then add squash. Add scallions at the end and mix well.