Pas si nature que ca – Taboule aux pistaches, airelles et menthe sur portobello grillé


I made this taboule as an accompaniment to a Tagine, so why not stuff some portobello with it. 

I used portobellos just because I bought  five of them for a dinner party, and I ended up not preparing them, so this bag of portobellos was taking up all the space in the refrigerator  for too long and I needed to find a way to use them. One thing is that I hate to throw away food so I always try to find a way to prepare something with what is left in the kitchen pantry and refrigerator. 

Those mushrooms are quite impressive, and as I explained in another post, where I used portobellos, they’re just grown ups cremini…Americans are so great at marketing that they gave them some Italian sounding name, and here we are…we have a new product!

Portobellos have been very successful with my mom and her girlfriends who came to the US on a tour, they came over for dinner and I placed a huge stuffed mushroom in front of each guest…since they had never seen this mushroom before, they were so excited to taste an exotic American mushroom. Some day, I will have to tell them the truth and that there is nothing exotic about it. 

Toasted almonds are a nice substitute to pistachios and taste good with the cranberries. This is an express dish, quite perfect with a green salad if you want to keep it light.

Ingredients for 4

  • 4 portobellos
  • 1/2 cup whole wheat couscous
  • 2 tbs pistachios or toasted almonds
  • 2 tbs dried cranberries
  • 2 tbs mint, chopped
  • olive oil
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • cider vinegar
  • salt and pepper


Peel the mushrooms if the skin is too thick. Add salt and pepper, drizzle olive oil and vinegar on both sides and broil under broiler or on a grill.

Start preparing the taboule. Cover couscous with boiling water, and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Add all other ingredients, mix well and top the mushroom with it.

I don’t think there’s anything simpler than that!